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WinUAE - How to create a save game disk

To create an Amiga save game disk you will need to do two things. Create a blank disk and secondly format the disk. WinUAE helps you with the first part, however the second part requires an additional program. If you just want a blank disk you can download one here:

Download Blank Save Game Disk (WinUAE)

Or if you want to create a blank disk using WinUAE and use your own formatting tool, follow these instructions.

Open the HARDWARE - Disk Drives section. You will see a 'Create Standard Floppy' button. Click the button and select the filename and location for your blank disk. This will create an adf file that when formatted is perfect for saving games.


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You can play the Amiga Roms (adf files) on your Android phone with the help of the Android Amiga Emulator - UAE4Droid

UAE4Droid Emulator
How to play Amiga games on Android
UAE4Droid Tutorial
UAE4Droid Videos

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