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ITIL topics on 'capacity'

ITIL - Warranty
The service needs to be fit for use, it needs to provide a consistent level of service, in terms of service hours, in terms of capacity and also availability. We need to set aside some design time to develop internal processes, such as change..

Service Design - Capacity Management
The official definition of Capacity Management by ITIL is “to ensure that cost-justifiable IT capacity in all areas of IT always exists and is matched to the current and future agreed needs of the business, in a timely manner”

Service Design - Service Level Management
Service level management is the efforts to define and negotiate SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and then monitor and produce reports on delivery against the agreed level of service.

Service Design – Overview
The Service Development Lifecycle is a classic approach that’s easy to latch onto. We use tangible models to map how we’re going to introduce technology. We have reviews, models and gauges. We start with developing requirements, designs and then..

Service Strategy - Demand Management
In business, demand management is used to describe the proactive management of work initiatives (demand) with business constraints (supply)

Service Transition - Overview
We use Service Transition to package, build, test and deploy services which were previously specified by our customer’s requirements. We manage all of these processes whilst carefully considering and evaluating our capacity and resource usage..

Service Transition - Planning and Support
Planning correctly, obviously has a direct correlation to effective release and deployment of services into production. Capacity and resources must be carefully considered and planned, to enable us to build, release, test and deploy those services..



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