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ITIL topics on 'quality'

ITIL - Benefits
The ITIL public framework describes many best practices in IT service management. The framework focuses on the continual measurement and improvement of the quality of IT service delivered

ITIL - Continual Service Approach
The Continual Service Improvement (CSI) volume of ITIL look directly at service quality from the business perspective. CSI defines the areas, items and processes which should be controlled and measured

Service Design – Overview
The Service Development Lifecycle is a classic approach that’s easy to latch onto. We use tangible models to map how we’re going to introduce technology. We have reviews, models and gauges. We start with developing requirements, designs and then..

Service Strategy - Addressing the Barriers
The challenge for IT managers is to co-ordinate and work in partnership with the business to deliver IT services of a high quality. We need to understand the wider context of the current and potential market places that we operate or may wish to..

Service Strategy - Continual Service Improvement
When we think of Continual Improvement, we actually mean the process of stabilising and brining out consistency in the growth and improvement of services and processes. The continual approach, repeatedly analyses and improves the service..

Service Transition - Knowledge Transfer
We want to ensure that the right people have access to the right information. Whether that is training manuals or quality reports; giving people the knowledge they need to work effectively is a key point of transition.

Service Transition - Validation and Testing
Service Validation and Testing is a core process used to validate the quality of the service before delivery - is it fit for use and fit for purpose. We want to be sure that the service we deliver, will provide value to the customer and their..



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