70-398 Practice Questions - Windows 10 Enterprise
Welcome to the practice questions for 70-398: Planning for and Managing Devices in the Enterprise. This Windows 10 exam forms part of Microsoft’s Specialist certification for the Enterprise Mobility Suite.
As with all our practice tests, you’ll find a large collection of 70-398 questions, covering a range of topics from Azure AD and InTune right through to BitLocker policies and OneDrive recovery. We’ve tried to include questions that touch on every aspect of the course and hopefully you’ll enjoy the breadth of material available here.
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15 questions
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Exam Background
Introduced in late 2015 (Beta only), this exam was one of the first Windows 10 exams to become available alongside 70-697.
The Microsoft learning website recommends this exam for IT professionals with experience in desktop/device administration, Windows networking technologies, Active Directory, and Intune. Typically you’ll be a Device Support Technician or a Device System Administrator, in a medium to large organisation.
These are of course guidelines and there's no reason why anybody with a passion for IT support or administration couldn't study for this exam; whether you're looking to move into a brand new role or increase your level of responsibility at your current workplace. Above all else, you should be comfortable answering questions in relation to Windows 10 and be especially proficient in Microsoft's cloud platform "Azure".
Subjects covered
Some of the high level topics covered by our questions are shown below:
- Azure AD identifies, authentication, access and management.
- AD sync and integration with Azure Connect.
- Mobile device management, enrollment, policies and compliance.
- BitLocker, EFS and Azure RMS for secure access and auditing.
- Remote authentication and connectivity.
- RemoteApp packages and distribution of apps.
- System restore and recovery including OneDrive file recovery.
- Windows Update settings, policies and rollback.
Friendly multiple choice questions - all for free
Unlike many other companies, we don’t offer a scrappy PDF for you to purchase and download. Instead we give you the chance to use our exam simulation tool as often as you like, for free! This tool will essentially help you prepare for the exam with real questions and real explanations. You’ll not find any braindumps on our site and all of these questions were handwritten and are unique to this site.
Each time you take the exam you’ll be presented with 15 randomly chosen questions, with helpful explanations where appropriate. After working your way through all of the questions you’ll receive an aggregated review score together with a chance to leave a comment and retake the exam again. We encourage you to retake as often as you like.
Respect, share and enjoy
It took a long time to write unique questions so please respect our work and we welcome you back as often as you like.
Of course, if you enjoy the questions please remember to share with friends and colleagues. We’re all part of this learning journey, and the more we can share and learn together the better. Enjoy!
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