70-741 Practice Test - Networking with Windows Server 2016

Welcome to the practice test for exam 70-741, "Networking with Windows Server 2016".

This exam is part of the MCSA certification pathway that also includes an exam for installation, storage and compute and also a separate exam for identity. This practice test consists of 15 random networking questions selected from a pool of over 100+ questions.

Every multiple choice question is presented in the easy to use simulator, with explanations for wrong answers where appropriate, and an overall exam time displayed at the end. You are free to retake the practice test as often as you wish and I recommend you try and complete each question in under a minute to be ready for the real exam..

You are welcome to use this practice test for free, to enhance your understanding of Windows Server 2016 and prepare for the actual 70-741 exam. All questions are based off of the official exam material and were hand written based on many years of experience.

I hope you find this exam useful. Remember to share with friends and colleagues so that they can also achieve their exam success and build a better career for the future.

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  15 multiple choice questions
  Timed and scored test (no limit)
  Helpful explanations per question

About the 70-741 Exam

Microsoft promo image - Windows Server 2016 (2) The 70-741 exam was officially announced at the end of 2016, not long after the general availability of Windows Server 2016. The exam is part of a small collection of Server 2016 exams that include:

  • 70-740 - Installation, Storage and Compute
  • 70-741 - Networking
  • 70-742 - Identity
  • 70-744 - Securing

Besides 70-744, which is part of the higher level MCSE certification, the other exams are part of the core Windows Server 2016 MCSA certification that includes 70-741.

Braindumps - It’s worth asking yourself if you’re ok with braindumps. These barely legal documents essentially equate to cheating your way through life. Where’s the self satisfaction or even the challenge in cheating? You’ll get greater pleasure and reward for actually learning the material and passing the exam legitimately. Stick to official training material and do yourself justice in passing the exam yourself - you know you can!

Topics Covered

This practice test is based on the official training course requirements, which at a high level are:

  • Implement a Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Implement DHCP
  • Implement IP Address Management (IPAM)
  • Implement network connectivity and remote access solutions
  • Implement core and distributed network solutions
  • Implement an advanced network structure

Individual tools and technologies

At a lower level expect to encounter questions on many aspects of DNS including installation, configuration and policies. DNS zones, record types and overall DHCP server management are also important aspects which must be understood thoroughly. Here are a few examples of the technologies which are tested by Microsoft:

  • Group Policy and Powershell (understand commands and their use)
  • Active Directory, DNS zones and record types
  • DHCP and IPAM
  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • VPN, DirectAccess and NPS
  • SET, RSS, QoS

For a full list of exam material and topics, see the official 70-741 exam link below.

Further reading

Learn about the new features of Windows Server 2016 (TP):
Technet New Features (TP)

Download a copy of Windows Server 2016 for evaluation:
Windows Server 2016 (TP 5) Evaluation

MCSA certification:
MCSA Windows Server 2016

Read the official 70-741 exam topics:
70-741 Exam

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  15 multiple choice questions
  Timed and scored test (no limit)
  Helpful explanations per question

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