MOS 77-881 Practice Test
Welcome to the free practice exam for 77-881 Word 2010. This exam is part of the Microsoft Office Specialist certification series for Office 2010. Our practice test presents questions directly relating to the official Microsoft exam topics and subjects.
Our test consists of 15 random questions pulled from our select range of Office 2010 material. Questions range in difficulty from the simplest to the most taxing. They're all designed by IT professionals and closely follow the Microsoft exam material for 77-881 and the new Office system.
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15 questions
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You'll be pleased to know that we have crafted each of the questions from the best Microsoft certification training materials available. Our exam is not a download but an online practice exam. Why? Because we want you to have up to date questions and the latest study material to practice against.
We don't believe in exam dumps or torrents because they degrade the Microsoft certification platform and its effectiveness in the workplace. Everyone wants to benefit from these exams so use our site for the best online tests and study examples. Compliment your ebooks and classroom training with this free practice exam..
Background to the Microsoft Office Specialist:
"A Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification helps validate proficiency in using Microsoft Office 2010 and meets the demand for the most up-to-date skills on the latest Microsoft technologies. Candidates who pass a certification exam show that they can meet globally recognized performance standards."
Reference from:
Our practice test covers Word 2010 questions on:
- Sharing and Maintaining Documents
- Formatting Content
- Applying Page Layout and Reusable Content
- Including Illustrations and Graphics in a Document
- Proofreading documents
- Applying References and Hyperlinks
- Performing Mail Merge Operations
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