Free MRCP Practice Test
Free practice questions for the MRCP (Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians) postgraduate medical diploma. Our practice exam consists of 15 random multiple choice questions selected from a pool of hundreds. Simply read the case studies and select the best answer given the information disclosed by the patient.
This practice test is aimed at medical students wishing to take the MRCP exam. The exam targets the Part 1 and Part 2 examinations such as Best of Five and n From Many Format.
Exam Information
The MRCP exam is run by the Federation of the Medical Royal Colleges of the UK. The exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of basic medical sciences as well as testing the clinical skills for diagnosis and disease management. The total cost of taking all 3 exams for the MCRP is around £1250.
Important Information
Some elements of this exam consist of user contributed questions. Although we do moderate all questions, we cannot guarantee their accuracy or relevance.
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Sample Questions:
MRCP (15)
MRCP (16)
MRCP (18)
MRCP (25)
MRCP (26)
MRCP (28)
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