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AITabPanel Drawing


First I would like to thank you people for this set of free components. It was love at the first sight. :D

Using the TabPanel though in an application I am building, I came up with a problem. :( When the panel's height is large (e.g. 500 pixels) the tabs are not drawn properly. More specifically, as the height grows so does the curve of the top left corner (along with all the other corners). The tab though is always drawn at a specific offset from the left corner.

I wish you could fix this. An easy way I could suggest would be supporting the CornerWidth enum property (exposed by group panel) in TabPanel as well. The ideal, of course, would be changing the code so that the tab is drawn relatively to the top left curve.

Hope you read this and have an answer from you. I loved the TabPanel and I want to use it.


Many thanks for your post, we appreciate all the feedback we get from our .Net components. We are pleased to continue to offer them free of charge for everyone.

Following your post, you will now find a new version of AITabPanel (3.2) on our website with the fixes you suggested – Corner width enumeration like AIGroupPanel and a small code fix to prevent any more overlaps during painting.

Please let us know how you get on with this fix and if you come across any similar issues just let us know.

The best way we can improve our components is with peoples help like your self! Thanks again.


You MUST be kidding! Although I can guess the modification was a rather minor one, I wouldn't even wish for such a promprt reply! Do you guys know what weekend is all about? :D
Thanks again, keep up the good job. :wink:

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