Black Ops Zombies - How to use teleporter and upgrade gun in pack-a-punch projector room

Black Ops Zombies - How to use teleporter and upgrade gun in pack-a-punch projector room

Posted in black ops

Anyone who's played zombies will know that unless you upgrade your gun you won't get very far! It all comes down to the teleporter machine and the mysterious pack-a-punch upgrade room. So what is the teleporter, how do you use it and where's the hidden projector room?

Patience my friends, we have all the answers below..

Note: this guide references the Kind der Toten zombie map, but the principle on Five is the same.

What is the teleporter?

The teleporter is a machine that lets you instantly move between rooms. Many people make the mistake of believing that the teleporter just moves you between each of the teleport pads. Whilst this is true on the Five map, on Kind der Toten it moves you to a secret projector room. You get around 60 seconds in the projector room which contains the gun upgrade machine and the chance to buy more grenades.

There are two parts to the teleporter on the Kin der Toten map. The first smaller pad is located in the starting room – the lobby. You will notice that there is a round pad on the floor with hypnotising circles on it. If you try standing on the pad, you'll see a message saying to turn on the power first. The second teleporter pad, which is the main machine, is located in the backstage area of the theatre. You'll need to turn on the power to even see the main teleporter machine.

How do you turn on the power?

Turning on the power is really easy and best of all its free. However, nothing that's free comes without pain in zombies! Turning on the power invites crawling zombies that climb down walls and explode in a poisonous gas. They're really hard to kill so you need to be ready before you turn the power on!

To turn the power on, just navigate through the map until you reach the switch. The power switch is in the furthest room away from the starting room so you'll need enough points to open all the doors before you can get to it. Once you reach the switch, you'll be in the backstage area of the theatre. The switch is labelled with a big chalk drawing of a lightning bolt on the wall…you can't really miss it.

Turning on the power also gives you access to the drinks machines, sentry guns and traps, so make use of those too.

Powers on, how do I use the teleporter?

Remember we said that there were two parts to the teleporter? The main machine and the smaller pad in the starting room? Well, you need to switch on both of those, starting with the main teleporter machine. Firstly, once the powers on, stand inside the main teleporter machine and press X (Xbox 360). The machine is free to use.

Now the main machine is on, run back to the starting room to the smaller pad. Stand on the pad and hold the X button again. You'll notice that electricity starts to flow back through the cable on the floor. Ok, we're almost there now.. Head back to the main teleporter machine and stand inside, press X and the teleportation will start.

Overview of what we just said:

1. Turn on main teleporter machine (backstage area of map)
2. Turn on smaller teleporter pad (starting room)
3. Stand in main teleporter and activate (backstage area of map)

Now the interesting stuff begins..

What is in the projector room (pack-a-punch room)

Once activated, the teleporter takes you to the projector room where you have approximately 60 seconds to upgrade your gun. The upgrade machine can easily be seen in this room, together with purchasable grenades on the wall. You can buy additional grenades for 250 points and to upgrade your gun it costs 5000 points. Yup, that's right, 5000 points! Believe me its worth it though.

Whilst you're in the room, you can also peek through the projector window and lob grenades at the might as well take a few out since they can't kill you in there.

Once the 60 seconds is up, prepare yourself as you're going to be teleported back to the starting room! If you want to repeat the teleportation then just follow the steps above again.

What are the best weapons to upgrade?

For 5000 points you would expect results right? Well, make sure you choose which gun to upgrade then! Each gun has a different upgrade, some are better than others.

The already good guns will get even better with an upgrade. So guns like the Ray Gun will get more damage and more ammo. Similarly, the Thunder Gun, which is already one of the best, gets more ammo and more damage. However, the upgrade also does interesting things to the lesser guns such as the Crossbow, which after an upgrade causes zombies to follow the bullets/bolts before they explode.

Here are the best guns to upgrade:

Ray Gun – the outer space alien shooter

After upgrade, this gun gets more ammo and does more damage. Since the ray gun takes out most zombies with a single shot anyway, it's the larger ammo magazine that we're interested in getting here.

Thunder Gun – the air blowing hand cannon

Easily one of the best guns to have but comes with limited ammo and in later levels the gun doesn't always kill the zombies. The upgrade will give you that added firepower and much needed larger magazine.

HK21 – the semi automatic gun which has a rounded magazine with small numbers on it (looks like a fishing wheel)

This gun already has a huge magazine and the upgrade increases that even more. The fire power also gets a boost from the upgrade, making it almost a one shot killer.

When is the best time to use the teleporter?

Using the teleporter and upgrading your gun will cost you a serious amount of points. Just getting to the power room alone could cost over 4000 points, making it practically impossible to get there before level 4 whilst staying alive. You need to be sure that as soon as you switch on the power, you're ready to activate both pads. Ideally this should be as soon as you finish a level i.e when zombies aren't chasing after you.

Remember, you'll need 5000 points to upgrade your gun. A good tactic is to progress towards the backstage area of the theatre, don't switch on the power and head past it towards the end of the corridor. Stay there and rack up as many points as you can by shooting zombies down the narrow passage way and guarding the single window. If you have an automatic gun, then this is pretty easy once you line it up. Don't bother with grenades as crawling zombies will just be irritating. Now, either hold out for enough points for the teleporter and upgrade, or hold out even longer for the Juggernog drink as well.

Once you've upgraded an automatic weapon you'll find that taking out the zombies is much easier and you're less likely to need those max ammo power ups.

Teleporter Tips and Tricks

  • Any zombies in the teleporter when you activate it will be killed
  • There is a mysterious bedroom between the teleporter and projector room. Sometimes you can quickly run to pick up special power ups – double points, nuke, max ammo, instakill and carpenter. You only get a split second so be quick.
  • Try to upgrade automatic weapons before any others
  • Use a monkey bomb to lure zombies into the teleporter before teleporting.
  • Switch on the power only when you have enough points to activate the teleporter and upgrade your gun (unless you're going for drinks)
  • Kill zombies from the projector room window
  • Use the projector room repeatedly to stay safe from zombies