Black Ops Best Killstreaks

Black Ops Best Killstreaks

Posted in black ops

Black Ops killstreak rewards are avaible during multiplayer games after you reach level 10. Killstreaks include; RCXD, Spyplane, Counter Spyplane, SAM Turrent, Care Package, Napalm Strike, Sentry Gun, Mortar Team, Cobra Helicopter and others available at higher levels.

A good Black Ops player will choose their killstreaks wisely and use them during the game at the right moment. The tips below will help you choose the best killstreaks.

Remember, killstreaks cost COD points to buy (one off cost) and you can only choose 3 killstreaks to equip before starting a game. Each killstreak is avaible to use after you have killed a certain number of enemies e.g some require only 3 kills to aquire where as others are only available after 8 kills.

Level 3 killstreaks

The most imporant killstreak is probably the level 3 killstreak as its the one you will get and use the most. In our opinion and most other peoples, the best killstreak at level 3 is the Spyplane. Using the Spyplane reveals the exact location of enemy players making it easy for you to hunt them down and get the higher killstreak rewards. The other killstreak at level 3 is the RCXD which is a remote controlled explosive car. Its fast and pretty good at taking out the enemy. If you can get a group of players hiding inside a room you can rack up some nice points. However the downside to both of these killstreaks is that they can be stopped or hindered. The spyplane can be shot down or a counter spyplane will block it. Similarly the RCXD can be shot and you might not find an enemy player before it explodes. The spyplanes duration usually proves to result in higher follow on kills than the RCXD and combined with the fact its free we recommend sticking with it.

Level 4 killstreaks

The level 4 killstreaks are the Counter Spyplane and SAM.Turret both of which are pretty naff and not worth occupying the second slot of the killstreaks. If you do want to give one of them a try we recommend using the Counter Spyplane and wait for the enemy to use their standard Spyplane. Its also better in team multiplayer modes such as Deathmatch where it will also benefit your team.

Level 5 & 6 killstreaks

These levels cover the Napalm Strike, Care Package, Sentry Gun and Mortar Team. Of these, the Care Package and Napalm Strike are the most popular choices. The Care Package drops a random treat so its not always great but does attract the enemies attention so is great for ambush. Napalm covers a decent sized area so is pretty effective if used over the spawn area. Napalm can also be excellent for helping team mates out of trouble because they cant be killed by the napalm but the surrounding enemy will be. The mortar team gives you 3 chances to hit the enemy in 3 different locations on the map. Its ok but quite limited in its effectiveness. It doesnt work well close to builldings and most people will hide from it. The sentry gun is a good choice against friends and novices but most online players will disable it in seconds.

Level 7 & 8 killstreaks

Level 7 and 8 killstreaks include Cobra helicopter, Valkyrie Rockets, Blackbird and Rolling Thunder. The cobra is one of the defaults and so its free. Its also highly annoying during the game but possible to shoot down. Its because of its annoying ability to gun down enemies that makes it a solid choice in peoples killstreak list. The valkyrie rockets are ok, but easy to hide from if you know they're coming. Blackbird is another one of the good killstreaks, it combines the spyplane feature with a movement and direction sensor. This is great because unlike the splyplane which pulses and is not so good at picking up fast moving enemies, the Blachkbird is a constant radar! Last of the level 7 killstreaks is the Rolling Thunder which is a carpet bomber which given its price and naff results is worth staying clear from.

Level 9 & 11

This where the killstreaks start to get really interesting! These include Chopper Gunner, Attack Dogs and the Gunship. All of these killstreaks are worth considering as they do a serious amount of damage. The Attack Dogs are marginally the best of the high level killstreaks as you can sit back and let them do the hard work. They also find enemies inside buildings which other killstreaks are unable to do. The number of dogs and the duration make it a brilliant force to unleash in any multiplayer game. The Chopper Gunner and Gunship and both great but the Chopper Gunner edges it as its available at level 9 rather than 11 and its cheaper! The gunship does give you rockets in addition to the minigun but the Chopper Gunner helicopter minigun is more than enough. All of these killstreaks can be stopped e.g. dogs killed and helicopters shot down but they are much harder to stop whilst staying alive.


Use kill streaks together for maximum affect e.g. mortar and napalm to cover a wider area

Target spawn areas with napalm or mortar

Use spyplane often especially in team matches

Get hardline perk to get killstreaks at one level lower

If playing online split screen choose low level killstreaks for one player and high level for other player

If playing small maps such as nuketown where kills are regular and often, save up the kills for a better killstreak

Your own killstreaks can kill you e.g. napalm and RCXD

Your team mates killstreaks cannot kill you e.g napalm and mortar

Group round care pakage drops for ambush. Similarly attack enemy care package drop zone

Kills from killstreak rewards don't count towards higher killstreaks