Hazard Ops (ZMR) Dinosaur Update - Primeval Ops Campaign
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gamesThe popular FPS survival game, Hazard Ops (aka Zombies Monster Robots) just got a new update featuring Dinosaurs. The main additions are a new PvE campaign called Primeval Ops and a new PvP mod called Head Hunter.
Infernum Productions teased on their blog saying "Scientists…why do they always feel the urge to play with nature?" This was a reference to the said Scientists bringing back an extinct species and then strapping a serious arsenal onto their backs - classic ZMR style of course!
"Since we don't have the time to wait for another meteor, we need to send you and your team in to handle the situation. This time, make sure they stay extinct!"

There you go, the dinosaurs are on the loose in Dragons Valley and you can download the update and partake in a prehistoric firefight which comes with five new maps, a new campaign and a new game mode.
Main Features
- Primeval Ops - it's the new PvE campaign which takes you to Dragons Valley to pit your skills against the dinosaur onslaught.
- Head Hunter - a new PvP mode which is available on several maps.
- New weapons and equipment
- New missions
New Maps
- Cadaverous Isle
- Dragon's Valley
- Shell Beach
- End of the Line
- Cloud Villa
We'll have more information on the new weapons and equipment soon, just give us a minute to fire up the game!