Extinction Mayday Schematics - Pipe Bomb, Sticky Flare

Extinction Mayday Schematics - Pipe Bomb, Sticky Flare

Posted in cod ghosts

Extinction Mayday is the first Extinction map that contains craftable items such as the Pipe Bomb and Sticky Flare. To craft each of the new weapons you must collect all of the pieces for the schematic including the schematic itself. Item parts and the Schematic are scattered around the map as usual.

Just search the red crates (Tool Boxes) and if you're lucky you'll see the message "Craftable item found". Pick it up and the item will go into the schematic area of the HUD. The current schematic is shown at the bottom left side of the screen, it's a triangle shape.

Before you can pick up craftable items you must have the appropriate schematic, which is like a Blue Print for the craftable item. Blue Prints are scattered around the map (near Tool Boxes) and appear as brightly coloured blue paper, similar to the other searchable items.

Once you pick up a schematic you are locked into the particular schematic, and I'm not sure you can start building another item before you complete the current one.

How to complete the build

Once you have all the items for the schematic, you can open the in-game menu (back button on Xbox controller) and press X to complete the build. After the item is successfully built, it goes into your lethal or non-lethal grenades section. Bottom RHS of the HUD:

Extinction Mayday - Craftable Item

Use the LB and RB buttons (Xbox) to use your new craftable items.

Other Craftable Items / Schematics


Extinction Mayday - Hypno-Trap

The Hypno-Trap is a placeable item that players can use to turn aliens into friendlies. Similar in many ways to the Hypno-Knife with the exception that the trap can be used multiple times.


Extinction Mayday - Tesla

Extinction Mayday - Tesla Deployed

The built Tesla is another deployable item that looks similar to an electric trap. Again, just like the placeable Hypno-Trap, it can be used multiple times and costs you nothing.

It'll zap nearby aliens, not necessarily those that touch the trap either. The shock is powerful enough to kill small aliens but the recharge rate of the Tesla Trap is it's weakness. It requires roughly 3 seconds to fully recharge and shock again. Even with that weakness, its certainly a useful addition that helps keep aliens off the drill and provide backup during reloads.

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