COD Ghosts Extinction Review - Is it as good as Zombies?

COD Ghosts Extinction Review - Is it as good as Zombies?

Posted in cod ghosts

If you're tempted to buy COD Ghosts just to try the Extinction mode, thinking that maybe it's as good as zombies - be prepared because its not. Overall Ghosts is a poor game, but Extinction doesn't save its bacon either. Extinction vs Zombies is a trivial debate that Extinction would never win in anyone's mind. We'll explain why below.

Update Jan 2014: We've had a change of heart about Extinction since the release of the Onslaught DLC. The Nightfall map is an excellent improvement upon Point of Contact. It's fast paced, harder and the alien boss is a great fight. Combine that with the reduced price of Ghosts in most online stores, and you can reconsider Ghosts along with the new DLC as an alternative to zombies.

Ok, back to the original opinion which was based on Point of Contact map..

Many were hoping that Extinction would introduce a new era in Call of Duty, where Infinity Ward made a mode similar to zombies with a great story line, hidden Easter Eggs and a lot of replay value. Instead they gave us a mode which resembles the dismal MW3 survival/horde mode.

It's got some positives amongst the negatives, but we expected better considering they've had the success of zombies to model things on.

No Wonder Weapons

COD Ghosts Extinction - Weapons

Probably the biggest disappointment. You won't find any mystery weapons in Extinction mode apart from the Hypno Knife but that's by no means a Wonder Weapon - more a cheap trick.

In Zombies we had the mystery box where players could gamble their way to a better weapon and possibly the Wonder Weapon. In Extinction, you scavenge weapons from crates (for free) or buy them designated locations. The Tactical strikes are ok, but that's too familiar from MW3 Spec Ops mode.

It's the case of a missed opportunity from IW - they had the chance to include alien weapons with some great superpowers but they didn't. Surely super weapons are a must with these modes?

No Story

COD Ghosts Extinction

Extinction has no story. As soon as the game starts, you're dropped from the chopper and need to find the hives and destroy them out one by one. Where's the cutscene?? We don't learn any more about the aliens and why they're there.

Ok, so you don't expect a full campaign story with these modes, but a little introduction would set the scene nicely and pave the way for future DLC. Remember those excellent cutscenes from zombies?

Too short


COD Ghosts Extinction - Alien

Extinction mode is beatable in under than an hour. There are only 14 rounds to get through during which time you destroy the hives, escape on the chopper and finally detonate the nuke. Once that's done, it's the end of the game!

No exploration

First up, we expect exploration in these modes, not just going from A to B, to C, to D.. Zombies gave us time to explore the map, choose our own route and become absorbed. Furthermore, the majority of zombie maps were beautifully detailed labyrinths that players wanted and had to learn in order to survive.

Extinction is way too linear. Players move from hive to hive, but no more. Between hives you're given a short time to prep for the next hive before the aliens start coming - again all too similar to Spec Ops.

Pointless classes

The classes in Extinction are really pointless; the game is too short to warrant that kind of customization. Once you've got four online players, the mode changes into a firefight where weapon choice and avoidance strategy are far more important.

Skill points are a good idea but the games too short to really enjoy or worry about upgrading. I guess IW can take this positive aspect through to future DLC.


Once you've finished Extinction, there's absolutely no reason to play it again. No Easter Eggs, no super weapons to find, nothing. Having an end-game (which is so short) really makes Extinction feel like a mini and pointless campaign.

Zombies Wins

COD Ghosts Extinction vs Zombies

So there's your warning ladies and gentlemen. If you thought Extinction mode would bring some light relief to Ghosts, then I'm afraid it doesn't. Its day one and fans are dashing off to trade their copy of Ghosts…so learn from them!

If you're still not convinced, just check your favourite YouTuber and see how many Extinction videos they upload - probably one or two before they get bored.