Black Ops 2 Origins - Dieselpunk Astronaut BOSS Zombie

Black Ops 2 Origins - Dieselpunk Astronaut BOSS Zombie

Posted in black ops 2

The Origins zombies map from Black Ops 2 Apocalypse, part of DLC4, includes a unique boss zombie who looks like a cross between an astronaut and a mechanical robot. He drops down from the sky and is armed to the teeth. So in this post we're going to be explaining more about the new BOSS zombie, his weapons and what to look out for.

When does he appear

First let's start with his entrance to the map..

The Boss zombie quite literally appears on the map by falling from the sky. Just like Brutus from Mob of the Dead, the dieselpunk zombie makes his appearance when you've gone a little too far. Be it using the weapons box too many times, opening too many doors or just reaching the threshold level.

We found that once you reached level 8 or 9 he would usually appear.

Black Ops 2 Origins - Boss Zombie

Boss Weapons

This is where things get interesting! This new boss is armed with some serious weaponry. First off, he's got a mechanical arm, a sort of pincher that would look at home in any James Bond film.

Secondly, he's stolen the WaW flamethrower and attached it to his other arm. It's a long range flamer and that's going to make this guy pretty hard to get past. We haven't seen him use this weapon during the game, he prefers to use his pincer and suck you in.

Black Ops 2 Origins - Flame Thrower

With that kind of arsenal you'd think that the guy's going to have some kind of armour weakness right? Well you're in luck because even though he's encased in a solid dieselpunk suit that looks harder than a Scotsman on Special Brew, he has a rather weak helmet.

Good news is, he's got bright yellow eyes and a search light like Brutus's. That means he's going to be clearly visible even in the dynamic weather that's screwing things up for us.

How to kill the boss zombie

Simply take aim at his head until you punch a hole through it. Once that's done, aim for the head again and he'll soon be killed off leaving you a nice little Fire staff part or a drop.