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Disaster Recovery Interview Questions

These Disaster Recovery interview questions cover the general aspects and principles of Disaster Recovery. They include questions on Disaster Recovery audits, hot sites, business impact analysis, backups and data security.

They are suitable for the following job roles:

  • Disaster Recovery Manager
  • Infrastructure Design Consultant
  • Release Manager
  • IT Infrastructure Project Manager
  • Asset Management
  • Technical Service Continuity Analyst
  • Business Continuity
  • IT Manager
  • IT Directory
  • Network Engineer
  • Support Technician

Interview Questions

1. A Hot Site is a term used in disaster recovery to describe a location that an organisation can move to after a disaster occurs. However, what does a Hot Site actually equate to?

A location that can resume some essential operations but obviously not all
None of these
A location that does not have the capacity to resume all operations but has the potential to give enough time
A location fully equipped to resume operations

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2. The auditor is always required to review and determine the adequacy of the company’s insurance coverage. Which two insurance types are the most common considerations in a disaster recovery audit?

Property and Life
Property and Casualty
None of these
Property and Building

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3. Which of the following processes is an auditor likely to perform during a disaster recovery audit?

Testing of procedures
All of these
Examination of training records and certifications
Inquiry of all employees

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4. The business impact analysis is usually performed after which other stage in creating the Business Continuity Plan?

Sell the concept of the BCP
None. Its never performed during the creation of the BCP
Lower level departments understand the BCP
Identify the scope of the BCP

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5. The BCP usually contains several types of measures to reduce or eliminate security threats. Which types of measures are they?

Preventive, Detective and Corrective measures
Preventive and Corrective measures
Corrective measures
Preventive and Detective measures

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6. What is the missing terminology from the sentence below: The ___ is the point in time to which you must recover data as defined by your organization. This is generally a definition of what an organization determines is an "acceptable loss" in a disaster situation.

None of these

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7. Complete the missing terminology below: The ___ is the duration of time and a service level within which a business process must be restored after a disaster (or disruption) in order to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a break in business continuity

None of these

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8. The following threats are all commonly associated with a business impact analysis. However, which one is the odd one out?

Cyber Attack

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9. Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with any major unpredictable event that threatens to harm the organization, its stakeholders, or the general public. Which of these elements is common to most definitions of crisis?

All of these
A threat to the organization
The element of surprise
A short decision time

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10. Online backup remote, online, or managed backup service is a service that provides users with an online system for backing up and storing computer files. Managed backup providers are companies that provide this type of service. Which of the following is NOT a cost factor of online backups?

The types of data being backed up
The total amount of data being backed up
The archive period
The maximum number of versions of each file to keep

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11. Online backup systems are typically built around a client software program that runs on a schedule, typically once a day. Which of the following is an advantage of using an online backup service for keeping copies of essential business data?

All of these
Remote backup does not require use intervention
Several versions can be kept for each file
Data is sent over a secure encrypted network channel

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12. Backing up data is a vital part of any disaster recovery plan. Which of the following is the best choice for storing the back media?

Store the data on-site but in a secure location
Store the data off-site
None of these
Store the data in any location, the tapes are encrypted

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13. Hard copies of records are usually kept at offices, even in todays times. Which of the following measures is the best choice for ensuring the protection of this information in the event of disaster?

Central storage of all records
Photocopy records and store off-site
Store records in fire-resistant cabinets on-site
Take photocopies of records and store in management offices

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14. The emergency response team (ERT) is a group of key personnel from various departments defined during the disaster recovery planning stage. However, its quite possible that disaster can occur outside of normal working hours when key personnel are not present. Which of the following is good measure to prepare for out of hours disaster?

Assign out of hours shifts for members of the ERT team
Ensure all ERT staff have VPN access to the staff network
Hope that an out of hours disaster never occurs
Create emergency contact cards for each of the ERT team

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15. Its always hard to tell how your Disaster Recovery Plan will hold up in the event of disaster. This is especially true for newly created plans that have just been drawn up. Which of the following is a good step after creating your plan?

Set off a small fire in the office
Load Testing
Simulation Testing

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Windows Server 2016
Amazon Web Services

Windows Server
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2016

SQL Server
SQL Server 2008 (Administrator)
SQL Server 2008 (Support)
SQL Server 2016

Solution Architect

Windows Desktop
Windows 7
Windows 8

Windows Commmunication Foundation
Windows Workflow Foundation

Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery (General)

Microsoft Office
Word 2010

Project Manager
Project Management (General)

SharePoint 2010

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