How to build Head Chopper Buildable (Chainsaw) - Black Ops 2 Zombies Buried

How to build Head Chopper Buildable (Chainsaw) - Black Ops 2 Zombies Buried

Posted in black ops 2

The Head Chopper is the second new buildable in Black Ops 2 Buried and it's another easy to build item thanks to the General Store. The head chopper is both an offensive and defensive weapon, similar to the machine gun turret in Tranzit.

What does the Head Chopper do?

The Head Chopper can be placed on the floor, anywhere you like. It will continuously chop so any zombies who stray too close will get chopped up - quite literally. It takes a couple of swipes from the Head Chopper, first it chops them into a crawler and then finally chops them to the death.

This buildable is a good addition to your arsenal, particularly if you want block off a particular route. Placing it in a strategic position will kill the majority of zombies passing through that area.

How to build the Head Chopper

1. First find yourself a workbench

Choose from the court house, saloon, sheriffs office (2nd floor)..

2. Get the parts

All of the parts for the Head Chopper are located in the General Store building. I recommend getting the Chain Saw part first as this is the most distinctive, it also helps you guarantee that your workbench is going to be for the Head Chopper and not something else.

3. Go back a forth

Keep going to back to the General Store and the workbench until you've completed the buildable.

4. Pick up and deploy

As usual, pick up the Head Chopper and select it by pressing up. Now deploy the chain saw anywhere you like!!