The Google Goggles app automatically recognises different kinds of objects and places via your mobile phone camera. Its clever enough to read text and translate it, recognise landmarks, books, contact information and even famous artwork.
The app is perfect for those who are frequent travellers (especially those going to countries that speak a foreign language), art enthusiasts or even wine lovers! Using the built in mobile camera and the Android operating system, Google Goggle is able to recognise millions of objects and places. The app captures images from your mobile camera, computes text recognition and the displays results from the endless amount of information available through the Google search engine.
> Google Goggles automatically recognises:
> Famous landmarks such as the Tower of London and Golden Gate Bridge
> Text from menus, books, newspapers. It can even translate that foreign food menu into your chosen language!
> Published books including cover artwork and author signatures
> Contact information from business cards, hand written notes, job adverts and business meetings
> Artwork from museums and art houses. Recognises famous art works from Banksy, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso etc.
> Places such as Times Square, Westminster and Copacabana beach
> Wines simply by looking at the bottle and label
Logos such as Google, Microsoft and others
How many times have you been on holiday (vacation) and had to choose food from a foreign menu without having any clue what the words really mean? Google Goggle is your perfect aid, translating text from any language into any other language.
Do you remember seeing a great piece of artwork without knowing its name, the artist or its history? Google Goggle is able to recognise the artwork and find additional photos and historic information for you automatically.
Price: $0
Size: 5MB
Released: 05/2010
Type: freewareCategory: Utilities
OS Support: Android 1.6 or higher
Keywords: google