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How to Create New Items - Crafting

How to Create New Items - Crafting Creating new items out of other items is called Crafting in Minecraft. It's the process of combining items to form more elaborate items, tools, weapons etc. Its really easy to do but you need to know the recipes for each item you want to create. These are known as Minecraft recipes, just like a recipe for baking a cake or cooking a meal.

In order to create new items, you need to all the ingredients of the recipe. As you collect more and more raw resources you can start creating those advanced items. Then as the game progresses you'll combine those advanced items together to create even better items. Its an evolutionary process!

How to craft

Crafting is easy! You can use either; the small crafting table known as the 3x3 (which you get at the beginning of the game); the larger crafting table which has a 9x9 board; or the furnace to melt items (smelting).

Lets look at a basic crafting recipe which is creating a torch (you will need coal and wood for this)

1. Open your inventory by pressing the E key
2. Now drag a coal item into the middle square (central square) on the crafting grid
3. Drag a wood item into the bottom middle square of the crafting grid
4. This creates the torch item which is shown in the right hand square

How to Create New Items - Crafting

5. Now drag this item into your inventory to keep the new item

That's it, you've crafted your first item!!

To create advanced items in Minecraft you will need to use the larger crafting table (3x3). Or the furnace for some things.

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