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Minecraft | How to Create TNT (Explosions)

TNT TNT is the most fun item to craft in Minecraft. Using TNT you can create explosions to destroy areas, kill monsters, power traps or form part of elaborate contraptions. TNT is easily crafted from gunpowder and sand. Although the gunpowder is not a raw resource, there is tonnes of sand in Minecraft!!

TNT does not explode on its own. You need to power the TNT either with fire or using Redstone to energize the TNT. Once lit, the TNT will start flashing and white smoke will appear. After exactly 4 seconds the TNT explodes. Be careful, TNT can kill you too!!

The amount of damage a TNT does to a block depends on the type of block and its durability. TNT will also kill mobs in the surrounding area.

It's possible to create mob traps using TNT combined with pressure plates and Redstone.

TNT Recipe


1. Place 5 gunpowder items in an X formation on the grid
2. Place sand in the 4 other remaining grid slots
3. Drag you new TNT to your inventory

Note: You need to larger crafting table to create TNT

Video of a huge TNT Explosion


How to make gunpowder

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