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Service Design - Service Catalogue

Service Design Deliverables
The Service Catalog, is one of the key deliverables from the Service Design phase. It's a list of services that an organization provides, often to its employees or customers. For each service within the catalog, we typically include description, timeframes or SLA for fulfilling the service, owners (who is entitled to request/view the service), costs and how to fulfil the service.

The Service Catalogue includes:

  • A description of the service
  • Timeframes or Service Level Agreement for fulfilling the service
  • Who is entitled to request/view the service
  • Costs (if any)
  • How to fulfill the service

The Service Catalogue is a subset of the Service Portfolio that is visible to the customer. It consists of services that are in the Service Operation phase and also those which are approved to e readily offered to our current or prospective customers

We learn from experience that the Service Catalogue is an active document - it has to be constantly managed and updated. The level of detail you put into describing what is in the Service Catalogue can differ, and may effect the cost and effort to keep that up to date. Perhaps choosing a lighter definition so you might want to balance the level of detail in the Catalog.

See also:

  • Business Service Management (BSM)

service design deliverables cost timeframes catalog service portfolio sla



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